Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Interior life of the Monarch Slave.

Excerpt from The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier. Illustrated with scenes I shot from my own MK Ultra Life... between 2001 to 2015. 

The Monarch programming creates very complex systems that are as sophisticated as an Apollo spacecraft. There is no way all the possible in and outs can be covered. However, the reader can watch a movie “Labyrinth” to get a good idea of what the end product is like for the mind of the victim. The movie represents what the internal world is like for an alter who is trying to understand its mind. It would be worthwhile to finish this chapter on structuring by covering this movie which illustrates the end product. The bizarre movie Labyrinth may be shown again on HBO and is available from some video stores. In fact, the video stores have a hard time meeting customer demands for this popular video. One of the co-authors knows a girl who has watched “Labyrinth” twenty times.     “LABYRINTH”, A VIEW OF A MONARCH’S INTERNAL WORLD   In 1986, a movie called “Labyrinth” was produced by Cherry McFadden. The movie was Monty Python’s “Terry Jones” scripted. The movie is a portrayal of what the internal world inside a Monarch mindcontrolled slave looks like. The Monarch slave has an internal world built inside their mind in which the hundreds and thousands of alters must live in. The alters are given a psychotic world of fiction in which they must live in as reality. An alter of a Monarch slave will have two worlds, the external world of reality, and their own internal world which, because of the programming, will seem more real than the real world.

 Hogel, a gnome, tells Sarah, “Things are not what they seem in this place.” The internal worlds of the slave can be shifted and rearranged by the internal programmers. The internal programmers can change codes, eliminate alters, and carry out extensive deception to other parts of the System.

. As in the Monarch programming, the movie s castle reminds one of Emerald City. The movie Labyrinth seems weird and occultic. Gargoyle elves (similar to coven demons) dance magic

and a sweet girl played by Jennifer Connelly moves from one weird scene to another, while an occasional shot gives us the hideous ruler of the Castle played by David Bowie. These demons also guard the baby that represents the innocent core. Monarch slaves very frequently have castles built into their internal world. Some slaves will have a whole series of castles, some are King’s castles, some are Queen’s castles, and some are castle’s shaped liked pyramids with all-seeing eyes in them.

The story line of the movie Labyrinth is that the girl, Sarah, searches for her baby brother, Toby, who is captive in a castle in a dream world. Actually, this represents an alter searching for the innocent core from which it split off from. Often the core (the original innocent child personality which split off personalities in order to remain innocent is locked up in the castle by the programmer who serves as Master of the castle. Often in deprogramming, the core is taken to a castle dungeon in a terrible backup program called the princess program which was just described on a previous page. The princess programming (which is a back up program) functions, when the regular programming goes down (which is rare). When the Princess back-up program kicks in the toad is kissed, the princess core is woke up, etc. etc. Parts of the Princess program seem portrayed towards the end of the movie

 In the movie, David Bowie, who in real life was a satanist & a rock star who committed suicide, plays the part of the Master of the Castle. The girl soon goes into the dream world (internal world of her mind). She must go through a labyrinth if she wants to get to the castle. Although the movie is fiction, it is close enough to how a Monarch’s mind thinks, that an adult Monarch slave might well have his or her programming reinforced if they saw this film. It also would trigger many Monarch slaves and create fear in them. Monarch slaves have many clocks built into their systems.

They have internal clock makers and internal clock keepers. In the movie, clocks pop up everywhere just like in a Monarch’s mind.

Some Monarch slaves are programmed to see their internal world, and others are programmed not to be able to see their internal world. In other words, many Monarchs may not have the ability to see a great deal at first of this programming due to further programming, and yet these images work in the deep recesses of their minds to keep their minds within the confines of the programming. David Bowie has the magical ability to rearrange time on the clocks. The handlers often mess with the internal and external clocks of a slave, so that the slave is disoriented about what time it is. Alters within a Monarch system are not allowed to stray from the path assigned to them. If they try to move out of their assigned spot in the mind, then they encounter traps, mazes, tunnels and demons just like in the movie Labyrinth. An internal world of a Monarch’s mind will have brick walls, doors and vortex tunnels just like in the movie. When the girl falls into a vortex, she has magician hands all over her. Monarch victims speak of what vortexes are like and they often describe hands coming out of no where.

The movie begins with an oak tree. The oak tree is an
important part of the Illuminati programming. The Master programmer in the castle, wearing a triangle medallion around his neck and looking veracious (David Bowie) sings, “Voodoo. ..Babes with the power.. .magic magic...slap that baby and make him magic, dance magic.” Cobwebs are built into the Monarch minds, and when an alter goes where it shouldn’t they often get cobwebbing over them. The tunnels in the movie are full of cobwebs. As the girl moves forward toward the magic demon-invested Castle she comes across many things--all of which relate to internal items built into a Monarch slave’s mind. Some of the things are slightly different in the movie than in a slave’s mind--but the concepts are the same. For instance, the actual Thor figure looks like the Iron Man of the Wizard of Oz series rather than the iron robot that they portray. But the match is close enough for the imagery to portray what it is meant to represent.

During programming, bracelets with pieces will be given to the child to teach them how the alters are to revolve. A bracelet like this is owned by the girl. The girl encounters a dwarf. The dwarfs in the internal world “mine the jewels” (that is the programming). The Jewels are the particular programs that run a Monarch system of alters of an MPD (DID) mind. The dwarf in the movie is told by David Bowie (the Programmer) that he has “lost his Jewels”--that is that he has lost his programming! The dwarf in the movie decides to help the girl. In Monarch programming the dwarf helps an alter by bringing it programming! Some help! The goblin (demon) is asked by the girl to find a portal. The goblin opens a door and it appears to be a broom closet. He opens it again and it appears as a door. This is the exact way the programming is. Portals and doors in the internal world have cover stories. At first they look like one thing--but if the mind can get by the first look--they will turn out in reality to be something else. There is cover programming over everything--so that the slave doesn’t trust his own mind. For instance, besides lots of clocks undisguised, clocks are disguised in a System as any object, but they can be recognized by the trained observer because they are gold colored. In the movie, objects are constantly changing. Many monarch’s fear the rocks coming alive--just as they do in the movie labyrinth. In the bottom of the slave’s mind--put in at the deepest hypnotic levels possible are the hell pits. The movie shows the hell pit and even calls it the “hell pit.” Notice that as she goes into this strange world that the clocks can be turned around. This is true in the programming. The clocks can be turned by the programmer so that the slave can be told it is January when it is December. A cover program can be entered so that the slave has memory of what he was supposed to have done in December. These false memories are laid in with real torture memories and tied to emotions. The false memories lack certain characteristics of real memories--and yet still they can at times be difficult to separate from the true memories, especially if the mind-controlled slave is in programming. The following is the story line of the movie as it happens

in this bizarre movie. Early in the movie we see a witch with an hour glass. When the girl gets to the castle it is guarded by a mechanical monster that resembles in some ways Thor of the programming. Notice that portals and holes open up. When they open up another level, protectors attack them and they must run back down their tunnel to save themselves. The Monarch slave will get feelings of being crushed if an alter ventures where it shouldn’t in the mind. When the girl asks the dwarf “How can I believe anything you say?” She is told, “What choice do you have?” Fire demons come out dancing. They take out their eyeballs and eat them.

They say “Bad luck down the path.” What the fire demons represent are the Gamma programming and the threats that the Gamma programming has upon the victim. The programming tells an alter that it will lose its head or other horrible threat if it doesn’t comply with the programming. “Let’s take off her head” the fire demons say, as they act out the various programs--decapitation, delimbing, etc. They also want to throw her into the pit of eternal flames. They go down a chute into the eternal hell pit. It is even called the eternal pit in the movie! The hell pits of a slave will generally smell like sulfur--which is exactly what the movie’s hell pit does. A guardian of the pit (looking like a dog) comes out. Guardians within the Monarch’s mind are generally far more horrifying than this dog. The guardian must give permission for passage. Another trap appears--as the slave’s internal world is filled with booby traps.

The name of the dog the guardian rides on is Ambrosius, similar to Ambrosia. A peach with poison is given to the dwarf. The slave is programmed to fear poisoned fruit. (This is another fairy tale turned into programming.) David Bowie is called an “adept” who creates dream bubbles. The slave’s mind will have adepts who are the programmers. The movie s adept puts a princess in a bubble. Then she goes by memory back to when she was at a Satanic ball where people wear masks of birds, goats, and pigs. Illuminati ceremonies include balls like this with masks. This Love story is reliving programming of the girl that she is a Queen, that she is married to Satan, and that this is a bonding ceremony. Everyone is grabbing her. People who have been to this Illuminati ceremony will recognize it. Next, she sees mirrors. When she shatters the mirrors (a no-no in the programming) she begins falling. Generally, if a slave shatters the mirrors in their mind--they fall into suicide programming. She falls into a junkyard.

Then a satanic seed comes alive from her fruit. It is a worm. An old hag gives her a teddy bear. The programmers and parents of slaves frequently give stuffed animals. The teddy bear without hands represents to the victim their helplessness. The old hag says “like a little bunny rabbit...Don’t you...Bitsy Boob” All this is Monarch programming stuff. Then she sees a book about the labyrinth. The Monarch’s mind has libraries and diagrams of their own system but these are kept guarded by the mirrors, the demons, and programming. The girl Sarah finds a book (the files) of how the labyrinth is built. Actually, you can too. If the original programming was Wizard of Oz programming--then

when you looked at the front of the Wizard of Oz series books you would find a map that helped build the internal world. Some of the items on that map will likely be found in your Monarch system (but not all). If your Monarch system has Star Trek programming it is possible they will have an internal world similar to the diagrams shown in this book where Star Trek programming is covered. In other words, there are books which do show the labyrinth, just as the movie Labyrinth has Sarah find a book showing the internal world. But if an alter finds a map, this does not mean the alter can travel freely in its system’s mind!

In working with a mind-controlled slave, we discovered one of the methods to get over the Wizard of Oz mazes was to fly with the Orks. However, an alter caught in the mazes was frightened to stay put by the demons that surrounded it. (This is so well portrayed in Labyrinth.) This happens in real life to Monarch alters which stray into the mazes. They are lost and then they can’t come out and take the body. They are simply lost in the mind. The old hag gives her slippers!

Slippers are important triggers or cues to go places internally. She is given a horsey and told she loves it. “Take back the child you have stolen.” A ferris wheel is shown. (Carrousels were used greatly in programming.)

Then she breaks an hour glass. Hour glasses are internal clocks. Then she encounters levels, doors and tunnels. An Iron robot representing Thor comes out and bangs bangs bangs. The banging is the split brain headaches that the internal Thor causes the victim’s mind to experience. A child is placed into the robot. Often during the programming, child alters are programmed to put on a robot like suit and serve with other children as clone solders in a clone army. (The sea divers of the Walt Disney movie “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” were used to program child alters into how they were to get into robot suits.) These child alters form armies that attack if an alter tries to fight the programming. These children alters are like children screaming--it is impossible to reason or talk to them. Armies of these alters are difficult to stop in the mind. In the programming, the brave are told they are brave and vice-versa. The character says “I have no courage.” But is told “You are a man of courage.” More clocks and a bell appears. A red and blue guardian appear. Perhaps these colors represent the color programming. Rocks and cannons represent the protectors and the earthquakes they cause internally in a Monarch’s mind. When she enters the castle it is a carbon copy of Esher’s drawing entitled “Relativity.” (See The Graphic Work of MC. Esher, figure 67.) She runs up stairs and gets nowhere. Escher’s drawing, according to exprogrammers, are used for programming.

The Master sings, “Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for you.” David appears everywhere from every angle. This is how the internal programmers, which are clones of the real programmers appear everywhere in the mind of the slave. He sings, “Just as I can be so cruel...look without your heart beat. ..I must live within you.” She says, “Give me the child [the core]” and the programmer says, “I

have been generous. ..but I can be so cruel .... I have reordered time...turned the world upside down...all for you.” The internal and external programmers can be cruel. The victim is trauma bonded to them. They are cruel and kind to the victim, just like Mengele was to his thousands of victims. The internal worlds can be turned in a Monarch system, by turning the hour glasses which are on X, Y and Z axes.  The hour glasses are turned with hand signals and codes that are similar to what pilots use to tell their degree positions in the sky. The programmer sings, “I ask for so little, just let me rule you, and you can have everything you want...just love me, fear me, and do as I say.” He tells her that her kingdom is great. Internally alters are given great titles, and are made queens, etc. Their internal worlds give them all they need, and that the real external world will never understand them. She is told repeatedly “Your kingdom is great.” “Bow down and worship me, and you get everything.” At this point she realizes she has dominion over the demons. When one listens to the programming, it seems that it is powerful and in control. The movie does a good job of showing how a slave’s mind has both an internal and an external world. A hall appears with daisies. Daisies were used in programming. When she leaves the internal world, she finds that the internal world is right there with her in her external world. She is surrounded by internal cues. Then she embraces and accepts her internal world toward the ending of the movie. Many systems have an owl in their system which represents the master. In the movie, an owl representing the master appears at various times & then flies away at the end. Toward the end the Master sings, “Power of Voodoo...” The internal world is full of goblins, dwarfs, worms, a hat, door knockers, Fury 1,2,3,4,5 and many other things. Ravens are in the movie. In real life, the programmers take alter fragments, which are splits which are not developed into full blown personalities and they program them to have a single task, for instance to think they are a raven and to bite the body when ever they take the body. Whole flocks of demons which take the form of ravens may wait inside the mind waiting for their release to bite the body. When triggered by the internal programmers when an alter crosses the boundaries set down by the programming, a flock of ravens may come forward and “take the body” (as they say in MPD) of the slave and the Monarch slave will bite his or her flesh and viciously tear it with its teeth. By watching the movie Labyrinth, and using this as a guide, the viewer will begin to understand the horror and control that the internal world holds over the alters of a Monarch slave. Few Monarch slaves ever tell other people what is going on in their minds, now you have been privileged to find out. To learn this much for a Monarch slave comes with a high price. The price is paid by reliving for a second time what has been done to them, fighting off the suicide programs that click on when the slave’s mind disobeys. The slave must also fight off torture memories that recycle. These torture memories are activated by the programming when an alter disobeys its
programming. As one Monarch survivor described it to me, “This all can be wrapped up by defining it as the raping of the body, soul and spirit.”  

Excerpts from Fritz Springmeier 
The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undectable Mind Controlled Slave. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Slave Training for Dummies. Fritz Springmeier

Songs & Nursery Rhymes Used As Triggers (note all of these songs have been used on other slaves too.) Songs with Monarch programming meaning & access parts soliciting behavior or thinking include:

  Brahm’s Lullaby
  Hickory, Dickory Dock (flips the system)
  “Hickory, Dickory Dock, The Mouse Ran up the Clock [computer], the clock struck one [time for system rotation], The Mouse ran down, Hickory Dickory Dock.” “INTO THE MOUTH [vortex] RUNS THE MOUSE, AND FLIPS THE HOUSE [turns the system over).
  Froggy Went a Courtin’ He did Ride
  Hickory, Dickory Dock
  I had a little pony
  I’m in Love With a Big Blue Frog
  Jack and Jill

 I have put in BOLD the songs that were used on me but there were many others none I particularly want to list for the convenience of my Programmers although they already know what they are because they turn up in my shows and my videos.

Fritz List Continued....

Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds
 Little Red Riding Hood (song played with hunts of slaves)  Mine was .....Ride Sally Ride

 Moon River

Over the Rainbow (obvious Wizard of Oz programming)

“Playing with the Queen of Hearts, knowing that it really smarts, the Joker is the only fool who’ll do anything with you” (reinforces the warning not to play (tamper) with the programming. The Queen of Hearts is the emergency Mayday signal to a handler. To play with this will really smart-hurt.

Queen of Hearts was used in 2010 when I had just got back to Sydney from Queensland before they sent the Master Chef in Hugh Monroe from WOnderworld asked me if I wanted to pay the Queen of Hearts in a Westfield Pantomime because the Queen was sick so I did but the job was only two weeks so I said I wanted cash in hand because I couldn't afford to be cut off by Centrelink for two weeks work which is generally what happens as soon as you look like you might start getting ahead.  He agreed but I did that work and he reneged on that agreement. Therefore I didn't chase up that money because I just knew that somehow it would back fire. Sooo bottom line the show both reinforced my Queen of Hearts Alter and my Slave Position.  Thanks Hugh Monroe. You're a real doll.

Speaking of Slave pals...

My Fiddlers were all Conservatorium trained to begin with so they had a wide repertoire and could whip up Elgars Cello Concerto as quick as they could whip up a blood curdling tune to accompany a Tango.  They were Master Craftsmen and women when it came to laying the programming and then they could send in any old toeless monkey with a guitar to reactivate it over and over again.  I even went Kareoke once I started to tour with Cultural Refugee and Last Night in New York

You can see the songs that were used to programme me through the video clips that I captured on the way.  MK ULTRA Cinema Verite of Satanic Trannies and other forms of Low life  delivered to the comfort of your lounge chair for nothing. How is this for a sound track to my own Poetic Ritual Sacrifice ?  I cast it, shot it and lived to edit. Praise the Lord and pass the popcorn....

How lucky are you?  How lucky am I for the work of Fritz SpringmeierHere's some of his list of songs used in Programming and then he has also provided some Hand Signals which are used to reactivate, switch and speak to Alters.

 I think this video clip with Bob is interesting in this regard although I haven't deconstructed it yet but I am open to any observations on the MK front.  I suspect it is a rich booty just waiting to be tapped. I know the morning I shot that video I looked 106 and I couldn't stop laughing and crying so four days with Bob left me TOAST and all programming reactivated and ready for the locals to finish off my takedown.  It's not easy being a comfort woman and camera woman at the same time but I think I do a good job considering the Full Immersion Environment.  Anyhooo where were we ? Oh yes...

  Mary Had a Little Lamb (call to ritual connotation)
  Tones of “Mary had a little Iamb” or other telephone created tones, such as high pitched noises to call people to meetings.
  Mary Mary Quite Contrary (reminds the slave that abusers are allseeing)
  Old King Cole (Old King Cole was a merry old soul, ... he’d call for his masters 3 [the 3 programmers])
  Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater
  Puss in Boots (this story is porn programming)
  Ring Around the Rosy
  Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
  Three Blind Mice (omega programming connotation with hour glass)
  Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Sometimes associated with “I’m dead.”)

SONGS (Most of the Beatles’ songs were used for programming. Charles Manson was programmed with Beatles’ music. The programmers know ahead of time what are going to be the next hits, and they regularly call in slaves and hypnotically make the lyrics to be cues for the slaves before the music comes out. For instance, the lyrics of “Ain’t that a Shame” will make certain alters angry. For another slave the lyrics “Everything is relative, in its own way” reminds the person of the cult family & obedience.) --

  Angie (popular song for programming)

  A Mighty Fortress is Our God

  Back in Black Blue Velvet


  The Candyman Can (Candyman represents drug use for Monarchs, plus other things.)

  CHRISTMAS CAROLS (Christmas carols were used a lot on Monarchs.)

  Country Roads song with the programmed meaning take me [the
slave] “home” to a meeting site.

  Crazy (to reaffirm loyalty to the master)

Crazy was programmed into me during my marriage to the French Military Brat who I met in the Green Room of a Noh Theatre in Tokyo.  (honey trap husband...note that Noh Theatre is Japanese Opera and many Opera Houses turn up on my journey and now I understand why because my Great Great Grandmother was the infamous Scarlet Soprano of Melbourne during the 1850's.  She was also a descendant of the bastard child born to the 10th Earl of Penbroke.  He was married to Elizabeth Spencer at the time but was a psychopathic root rat and Elizabeth ended up leaving him he was such a bastard. He broke horses for the British military and used the same mind control techniques on the women.  He seduced a woman away from her own wedding day in Venice and got her pregnant with Carolyn Medkaf who Octavia Hamilton descended from. Octavia was her stage name.  Her real life name was Eliza Moon.  Which makes sense of why so many men treat me like Eliza Doolittle and many other things....she was Eliza by Day but always titled in the programmes as Miss Octavia Hamilton.  Which explains why she did so much romancing when she was on tour. She thought she was a single. She came back from her Sydney tour with French Showman Entrepreneur Emile Coulon Pregnant with my Great Grandmother Alice Moon.  Alice later ended up in an orphanage when Augustus Moon refused to pay the costs for his bastard children.  The case was played out in a public courtroom and ended up with 8 year old Alice being cast with her sister Edith in one of Australia's first industrialised orphanages.  This is really where my targeting began. I was chosen for the Monarch Programming because of my maternal bloodline but I believe my Father's family were also chosen.  Kennedy's are one of the 14 Illuminati bloodlines that Fritz Springmeier has written about in his book Bloodlines of the Illuminati.  You could say that my parents marriage was in bloodline terms a double jeopardy and being devout Catholics made their family fresh meat for these Masonic Luciferians.

  Deja Vu

  Die Walkure

  Fire and Rain

  Frere Jacques (Catholic “Father John”, sexual abuse connotation)

  Get Me A Ticket on a Fast Train (substitute “master” for “baby” in song)

  Grandma’s Feather Bed

  Ghost Riders

  Green Green Grass of Home (go home program, slave is not happy 'til they go home to green fields

  Hallelujah chorus (many Christian songs like this one are played while the victim is tortured.)

  Handel’s Messiah
  Have Thine Own Way Lord (“thou art the potter, I am the clay, mold me & make me...” III. Charismatic slave programming.)

  Heartache Tonight (song used to announce a ritual over the radio)

  Hotel California (sexual/ritual connotation, the song says, “go to the chamber of the Master’s Feast, We are programmed to receive.” This song also tells the story of how LaVey started the Church of Satan in 1966.)

I went back to my child hood church with my parents in 2013 in the middle of my takedown and the Priest

  I Surrender All

  Imagine (John Lennon presents the New Age script for people to be “nowhere people.”)

  John Brown’s Body

   Stairway to Heaven

  Teddy Bear (Programmer, helpless teddy bear slave connotation)

  Tennessee Waltz (handler is “forced” to prostitute slave)
  The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power
  Tom Dooley (suicide, “hang down your head Tom Dooley, hang down your and...)
  Victim of Love

  “When you wish upon a star” song used for programming.

My Cultural Refugee Show Opens with  ;When you wish upon a star'  and 'Someone to Watch Over me.  The Opener is Pure Wizard of Oz in terms of programming.  I give the audience sparklers to light as I enter the stage.  This is the show that won me rave reviews in New York but I now believe that those reviews were now just part of the Grooming for my Manhattan leg of my programming. In those reviews I was referred to as Holy Golightly meets a hammy Aunty Mame and the 'It Girl for the New Century.  If the It Girl is a Monarch Programmed Slave then I spose I was.

  White Rabbit (Alice In Wonderland Theme -- made into a triggering Karaoke CD.)

HAND SIGNALS misc. common signals

  Finger to forehead--
  One ring finger bent at 90° -- access wave Rotated pencil--with certain words--rotates the system
  Finger swung the counterclockwise way closes portals.

  Right Fist to forehead -- OBEY

  Fist with right hand cupping left hand, the left is like the letter c, and the thumb is outward and the fist inside, the left hand then moves 3 times over the knuckle -- access signal

  Left hand of slave laid on top of handler’s hand - sign of submission

  Hands behind back of head -- I’m master

  Right Hand with thumb & index finger making an L shape on chin/check

  Hands on inside of thighs by handler -- come to me Kitten and service me.

  Hands locked folded interwoven backward -- you can’t break “the circle”

  Handshake with index and middle finger held straight out -- ”You are one of us.”

  Grip called the lion’s paw -- access greeting opening and closing the hands or large circles with index finger opens portals. Palms rubbed together counterclockwise

  Kiss on center of head -- kiss of submission of slave to handler

  Palm of hand touched -- sexual access point for some models

  Sign of Satan -- Hail Satan! used for Monarch & Illuminati Mindcontrolled slaves as an induction.

The alter who is holding the body goes into trance, & a deeper one replaces it.

  Thumb twiddle -- rotating the thumbs around with the two hands clasp -- S&M

  Touch of center of forehead -- access point

  Vulcan Peace Sign -- llluminati/occult greeting Wave with Finger and thumb together - other digits extended

  Winks at the system were used to convey meaning.

Insert VIDEO of Bob and his HAND signals.


SOURCE: the illuminati formula to create an undectable mind controlled slave. 

Monday, February 1, 2016


MK ULTRA LIFE 10 explores  Wetigo..equiptment breaking down...talking about how Bob hooked and reactivated me...behind the scenes information that is not shown on video. 660 6669 glebe phone number and letter to fake imaginary sister....promise of love promise of being loved. Fink playing song as part of the torture. Frenchman asking 'where's MASON erroll flynn turning up at the party sex kittened to the max. the love space Bob left me in. felt as if i was drugged and had been fucked by a cricket bat when he actually hadn't enterered me. princess diana school of disclosure. and then i remembered his wife is dead.

MK ULTRA LIFE 9 explores Bob Holman Show. Meeting my lomo Lewis Morley Sex Kitten Programming and how my metamorphosis is shown in his photos. Gustav my own personal videographer. Pushy Dames show that he shot. freemason chequerboard state cut in to the Pushy dame clip show. me throwing the pyramid and talking about gold stars with no idea of what it symbolizes. the fracturing of an MK slaves psyche into alter personalities. post romantic album after french husband when i'd been fully cooked lewis morley did the photos and he wanted me to take my clothes off but i brought in this woman from piccolo bar and she wanted to be shot by lewis so she took her clothes off and i liked her body. she didn't have any freckles on her back and she was luscious to i popped her in and she took her clothes off and the photos is holding the heart behind the back. Butterfly turning up in an envelope....fritz springmeir talks about escaping illuminati with sean stone....norma's funeral butterfly box. Crazy. Zed and his butterfly t.shirt. Hoola Hoop ritual done by blue haired witch brought in by Gayle which means she too is in on it. Tri Polar dreaming was the show that TOOK ME DOWN in 2013

MK ULTRA LIFE 8  Describes what happened to me during the street theatre. The inside experience of being somewhere over the they used what they knew about me from my book and my story against me. Juxtaposing me reading the story about my wedding with the actual street theatre that had happened the day before. Oh look they're getting married over there. that's a great place to get married. at the flower shop. blurring the line between fantasy and reality. usurping me on my own territory. to show me whose the master. She has a beautiful ring. and look....bob leads my eye there's the jag. (Jag big cat) the Chauffeur feeding Bob his lines. They talking about the car but that's MK SPEAK for the programming apparently. The Car. Sex and the City role play by the bridesmaids in black. Bob's DISCARD of the dream through poetry. Zed also making a comment with his shiny freckled face song. fucking toeless prick. twinkle twinkle little star. I wonder how it is that you got so far away....are you just some fading dream...a falling star a shooting stream...end of innocence..ships in outer'll always remember you had a shining freckled face...he's speaking the mind control. John Samaha dissing me behind my back. Bob signing on stage. Samaha throwing him the 666 sign. Bob referring to me live on stage as Dear Suicided Poet Eternal. dear magic and pain dear burgers and fries, dear goddess dear Murderer, dear mother of white or blue, dear me dear you. oh dear what can the matter be. Dear Wed and unwed wednesday day. dear day and unday day day the deep lost ravine....craving and carving...dear devils fingernail parings. if you can hang on to your heart chillax...i'm still coming....Bob was trying to activate my suicide programminng or get me to check myself into an asylum. Crazy section. Playing with dreams and knowing my situation and exploiting it. Mocking, Hoola Hoop.Bob giving Zed the reward for his good gangstalking work. That CD is not listed as part of Bob's albums. this is a secret between those in the the brotherhood.  

MK ULTRA LIFE 7 wanting to make a statement about the who what where and how but finding it difficult for complex reasons. the danger you feel when you start to wake up. everywhere you turn is a trap. i could go and see smeone but they could infiltrate that group. everywhere infiltrated. help i found on the internet. 

Eugene Gambino 21st Century Showgirl. Magical Realist Memoir Brent Clough biography...Wonder world Kareoke K99 radio features one woman shows. cultural refugee last night in new york. My cats claw during show. inspired by monologues. jane martin's talking with allen beckett talking heads. began writing monologues. well it started like this right (liverpool accent) are you aboriginal? sorta. spoken word. the poets would always have me. i never felt part of any culture. bob on stage. i'm working on this thing how fascism begins at home....think the other thought. the impossible rap. the process of writing my book. what happened when i came back to australia. state of exile on a lot of levels. trouble was a name you could be proud of. planes could be missiles and buildings could melt and dreams could fall out of the sky. there's trouble as far as the eye can see no one needs more of it not even me so i gave up my name without choosing another and that's where the trouble began. prodigal daughter in my family. middle aged peri menopausal version of a vietnam vet. ptsd. myspace and how it fuelled the finishing of my book when everyone around me said shut up and retire quietly. My trip up NORTH. Jackie O bag. ending up homeless when i came back to sydney. if heaven is a place called home then homeless is a place called hell. Year of the rabbit. Chinese Hillsong. god of corporate asia.....

MK ULTRA LIFE 5 Opening phone call in Redfern. Crying on the telephone to Handler. So they hunt you. world wide. the reason for that is so that they can get credit so they in all their wisdom can boost themselves over all that dwells. they wish to use you to get their goal accomplished so they'll be happy to see you and they'll treat you very well on the way to your sacrifice. Goat head in shop window where they did my street theatre. Lenon Honor. Subliminal Messages. The Honey trap and the Wedding Dream. Mr Manhattan and the collage he sent me. Flashing card with Monarch Butterfly . Explanation of Monarch Mind Control. ...representing undeveloped potential. relies on victims capacity to disasociate....after a period of cocooning...programming. reborn as a beautiful butterfly. covertly used by various groups and organisations for various purposes. these groups are known as the network and form the backbone of the new world order. New York that I was going back to....the mirage of New York. Systematic torture that blocks the victims capacity for conscious programming. Confusion based trauma. confusion is a form of psychological trauma. Photos of me and Marc in Hawaiii....true love with Mr Potato Head. prologue from book. Wedding strip in Las Vegas. the camera person should laugh and not be heard. final message.

MK ULTRA LIFE 4 Bob handing over the CD to Zed for his good gangstalking work. Bob arriving in Bondi. talking about how my gangstalking has affected me. My soul expression and how it now triggers me. How they work to dismantle and destroy the things closest to my heart. Microphone sabotage. invisible torture. being fucked in the ear. bob talks about consciousness. a book is a dead person who has pages. a dead wise one. tap dancing paris. whirling dervish. the video is my book. Fritz Artz Springmeier talks about Magic and what it is and what it does. Tri polar dreaming. Redfern las Vegas Weddng Blur...Occult symbolism. Point within a circle. important occult symbolism. Elements of a ritual. Employ some form of worship. I sing you praises a kingdom come revelation. a watch that blossoms to birth a new species. list name and hand out passports. when the master has finished programming and if he wants to call up a particular alter he would say.... access code. live in science fiction world. Me on the road to Austria looking for barry kosky. the left overs. dream baby you are. boots are made for walking. they've been de humanised. castle of doubt on the plain of forgetfulness. you you you that's who. door knob takes on life. midnight man film clip. i'm your helping hand your midnight man..images to use hypnotically as they go in and do the behaviour modification on that alter. forgotten memory that never happened and when all is said and done actually nothing was said and nothing was done. i am the sacrifice but it's also a ritual to evoke the spirit of satan and to do it through me the sacrifice. Christopher Hitchens monologue. hypnotic heart is a real thing. and now you say god himself was as dream why do we's done at a sacred site on special days. Ceremonies are carefully orchestrated with precision.... there probably getting ready to build something again and they probably torn all the stuff down.

MK ULTRA LIFE 3 Fire alarm in homocide towers. Unguarded moment. London cab driver. God help me. Introduction to my Initiation through the arts and entertainment medium. flash in the pan film clip. I've worked in television on camera...walkathon straithfield girls high... the promise at the performance space with Sarah Butler and the other witches. Monologue from Cultural Refugee. i can see how my programming was orchestrated over thirty years. midnight man. victim of satanic ritual abuse. Ripping wings of butterflies. image of one wanting to break her programming. lives in a fairy tale. disasociated mind state. Die for you. the state is described as a sensation of weightlessness. Consciousness in altered reality in the clouds. You ever get married ? Once. same with you too ? she's never been married. 3 times. So one day he found her crying curled up on the dirty ground. her prince finally came to save her and the rest you can figure out but it was a trick and the clock struck twelve. so her prince comes to save her from her pain and that's what they're led to believe. Because one minute her handler is abusing them and the next minute embracing them patting them on the head hugging them. Handlers are portrayed as the slave's saviour. The very castle which seems so serene and welcoming at first only provides that safety for a short time until the abuse starts again. This saviour or prince has actually come to rape her. a sadistic handler come to further the girls trauma with sexual abuse. The starvation you feel on a skin level,love level, conversation level. then when they send in the handler you're just like baby take me....because you're starving.because you've been starved. When bob leaves and the gangstalking begins in earnest i will have a nervous breakdown. My crazy ghoulish laughter. Bob mocking me. bob giving zed album. slow motion of the hand over and them tipping their hats. me dancing it off

MK ULTRA LIFE 2 When Demons target a person the first thing they do is make trouble for them


SPIN. Excerpt Fritz Springmeier(From "Be Wise as Serpents )

Excerpt Fritz Springmeier(From "Be Wise as Serpents )

S-P-l-N = Segmented Polycentric Integrated Networks

If one were to diagram a SPIN organizational chart it would not be a conventional box type configuration such as an army company organization chart. Rather, it would resemble a fish-net with interlocking nodes with groups linked to many other groups and cluster around nodes. There is no center to the network. It is like the brain's electrical connections, with an overlap of functions, so that good cells can take over from damaged sections. A network (one of their buzzwords) is many times more greater than the sum of its parts.

The New Age author Marilyn Ferguson does an excellent job in describing how the
Conspiracy's SPIN network functions.

"This is a source of power never before tapped in history: multiple self-sufficient social
movements linked for a whole array of goals whose accomplishment would transform
every aspect of contemporary life.

"Because SPINs are so qualitatively different in organization and impact from
bureaucracies...most people don't see them--or think they are conspiracies. Often
networks take similar action without conferring with each other simply because they share
so many assumptions. It might also be said that the shared assumptions are the

"The Aquarian Conspiracy is, in effect, a SPIN of SPINs, a network of many networks
aimed at social transformation. The Aquarian Conspiracy is indeed loose, segmented,
evolutionary, redundant. Its center is everywhere. Although many social movements and
mutual-help groups are represented in its alliances, its life does not hinge on any of them."<#4. Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy. Los Angeles, CA: J.P.
Tarcher. lnc, 1980, p. 217.>

Organizationally, the SPIN principle has worked wonders for the llluminati, who are the
Illumined Ones who are directed by an angel of light variously called Venus, Lucifer,
Satan, or Sanat (a scrambling of Satan). Different groups have their own preferred name
for this Master. Almost without fail their literature and art provide enough in each case to
positively identify this Being of Light Lucifer as the Ascended Master of every Illuminated
group. Sources that have been near the top of the hierarchies of these various groups
reveal that the "alliances" are not as loose as the public pictures them.

The top leaders are actually in contact and collusion together. Further, the New Age movement is
producing all kinds of organizational charts, Yellow Pages, coordinating councils between
groups such as the Unity in Diversity Council, etc. The movement is not as leaderless as
the New Age Movement likes to pretend.

Further, while their SPIN network is powerful, it is much more man made and artificial
than people can imagine. Groups that supposedly just materialize out of nothing, are
actually funded and promoted from the start by an outside source.

While the New Agers pride themselves on their SPIN strategy, the followers of Christ
have been configured the same way for centuries.

It must be admitted that several interlocking Secret Cults, the Freemasons, the CIA (the Company), and MI6 (the Firm) control much of the world. Through allied groups such as
the B'ai B'rith (the Order), the Skull and Bones Order (the Order), the KGB, the Triads,
the Mafia, the Order of Jesuits (the Company), and the MOUSSAD their control extends
even further. Finally, there are a plethora of religious groups interwoven into the whole
SPIN network. Some like the Universal Aquarian Church, the Metaphysical Church in
America, Light of Christ Community Church, the Institutes for the Enhancement of Life
Energy and Creativity (IELEC) in NY, Children of God's ashram, and the Church
Universal & Triumphant are openly New Age religious bodies. Unity School of Christianity
in Unity Villiage, MO is a training center for the New Age where Luciferian initiations have
been conducted for years. Lucis Trust functions as part of the brain of the New Age
movement, and the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland is comparable to the Vatican City
of the New Age movement. Today the llluminati are also known by the esoteric (inside)
name of Royal Ipsimus (Ipsimus is Latin for "Master of the Household.")

(From "Be Wise as Serpents )

Dan said (September 27, 2009):
"Segmented Polycentric Integrated Networks" is as good a term as any to explain all 'movements', if that helps somebody see how 'spontaneous' public movements which seem spontaneous expression of public sentiment, with no apparent leadership or organization.
I prefer not to borrow think tank terms to explain these things. SPIN actually came from a British think tank 'hand book' for network organization by two fellows named Gerlach and Palmer in 1981. It's not new. In esoteric Freemasonry it's symbolized by the bee hive. The metaphor is ancient.
But here's all people need to memorize and recognize it. (quoting Fritz's quote of Marylin Ferguson's statement)
"Often networks take similar action without conferring with each other simply because they share so many assumptions. It might also be said that the shared assumptions are the collusion."
Anyone who grasps and understands this will be equipped to recognize this whenever the media shows us video or live feeds of crowds. There's lots of protests going on all over the world since summer. Late last week I watched the MSNBC live feeds of crowds in Pittsburgh near the G-20 summit.
Real protesters are people who generally show up with no plan and basically mill around watching to see what's going to happen. They're spectators.

The main event is when the COINTEL phony protesters show up in red bandanas or all black and start breaking out a window or two and shouting obscenities at baffled cops.
The classic prototypes of the technique of turning peaceful gatherings into media circus setups to label the public as 'radical extremists' is very old. It was used to turn the French Revolution into the Reign of Terror, and violent riots in Europe in 1848. It's a technique of Revolutionary Freemasonry. Variations include the Nazi Brownshirt "spontaneous" Krystalnacht riots were sparked by the Nazi press when a 17 year old Jew shot a staffer of the German Embassy in Paris for deporting his family and 15,000 other Jews in 1938, dumping them at the Polish border. The pogrom had already been planned, Goebbels Ministry of Propaganda was just waiting for the excuse.
The United States has had a long history of such events, most of which are forgotten down the memory hole like the Haymaker's Riot in Chicago and countless street wars from the 1870's through the early 1930's. Americans aren't taught in school Federal Troops facing down citizens is nothing new.

Description of Spin Programming
Specific Versus Global Targeting of Programs
      Programmers appear to rely on certain criteria in deciding which mind control strategies they will select. One meaningful criterion is specific versus global, that is, whether they intend to target a single alter (or a small, defined group of alters) in a specific way, or the entire system (or a large portion of it) in a global way. Spin-based programming is a globally targeted programming technique. Programmers apparently use it when they intend to disseminate an effect throughout either a large portion of a victim’s personality system, or the entire system.
      Examples of the types of effects that may be spread in this way are physical pain, confusion, depression, self-destructive or suicidal urges, alienation, apathy, hopelessness, fear of abandonment or rejection, panic, terror, urges to run away, jealousy, doubt, suspicion, rage, violent urges, sexual arousal or urges, lethargy, immobility, sleepiness, sleeplessness, hunger, loss of appetite, and urges to use drugs or alcohol. Programmers may spread these effects throughout a personality system as a method of disrupting the total functioning of the person, or they may use the possibility of spreading them as a threat to enforce compliance with directives or prohibitions they have issued.
      Spin programs are also useful in system-building, both because of their ability to quickly transmit information within or throughout a personality system, and because of their ability to establish power relationships between alters and groups of alters. How these links and power relationships are established will be explained in the section on training methods. 

Signs and Symptoms of Spin Programs
      Patients who are suffering the immediate effects of a currently activated spin program tend to present with a number of typical features. These features include: global effects, symptoms occurring like a “storm,” pressure, dizziness, a sense of spinning inside, physical movements related to the internal experience of spinning, and spinning-related imagery and vocabulary.

      Global Effects. When a patient is affected by a specifically targeted program, she or he typically experiences one or a small number of alters having emotions or urges or manifesting behaviors, while most or all other alters remain unaffected. The patient might say, for example, “Somebody inside wants to cut,” or “Joey is feeling suicidal.” When a spin-based program is active, every alter with whom the therapist talks is likely to be suffering from the same or similar symptoms. At such times, the patient might say, “Everybody in the system is depressed;” “None of us has any hope or any energy or any interest in anything;” or “We are all terrified that you are going to abandon us.”

      Stormlike Symptoms. The experience of dealing with a spin-programmed patient is, for patient and therapist alike, somewhat like riding out a storm. The flurries of pain, affect, or impulse tend to grow in intensity, build to a crescendo, maintain that peak for a time, and then gradually diminish before finally subsiding. Nearly every alter in the system is lashed by the “wind and rain” of the storm, often without understanding why these effects are occurring, and doing their best to minimize damages until the storm passes.

      Pressure. As will be seen in a subsequent section, spin training relies in part on conditioning the patient to connect, through cognition and imagery, the experience of spinning with internal buildups of centrifugal force. When spin programs are active, the affected alters subjectively experience high levels of force or pressure, as if they were sitting at the outside edge of a rapidly rotating disc. They feel overwhelmed by this pressure, finding it impossible to resist, and they often complain of symptoms that would be caused by mounting internal pressure, such as headaches that feel like they are going to cause the head to explode from the inside, disruption of speech, vision problems, and similar phenomena.

      Dizziness. As the internal spinning associated with spin programming increases in speed and force, patients frequently complain of dizziness. At these times, they may be literally feeling the sensations caused by the original spinning, because they are experiencing a planned (i.e., produced by intervention of the abusers) revivification or flashback of that event.

      Sense of Spinning Internally. Along with the dizziness, patients experiencing active spin programs often notice a sense of spinning internally, or comment that “everything seems to be spinning.” If they do not mention this feeling spontaneously, they will often admit it when questioned, for example, by answering in the affirmative when asked, “Do you feel as if someone inside is spinning a mile a minute?”

      Physical Movements. When the internal spinning is at its most intense, patients often move in ways that a person might move while being physically spun. These movements tend to be rhythmic and repetitive, they may involve any part of the body, and they are subtle and may escape the therapist’s attention unless the therapist is looking for them. For example, a patient may stare blankly or appear to be wincing from pain or closing her eyes tightly, then move her head or upper body very slightly and rhythmically from side to side, forward and back, or in a circular motion. Feet or hands and arms are also often involved in these movement. The movements tend to be slower, smoother, more fluid, more subtle, and more regular and rhythmic than typical “nervous” movements.

      Spinning-Related Imagery and Vocabulary. When describing their subjective sensations during an active spin program, patients often utilize imagery or words that are related to the experience of spinning, possibly because these images and words are literal descriptions of their experiences, and possibly because they were taught these images during the original spin training. Patients may use this kind of imagery spontaneously during sessions or in writings or drawings produced outside of sessions, or they may only describe them in response to questioning. Typical words used include: vortex, whirlpool, whirlwind, tornado, cyclone, abyss, falling, drowning, sinking, being pulled or sucked down, being blown or shot or exploded out, tumbling, hurling, whirling, swirling, and twirling. Typical visual images include drawings depicting the ideas listed above and various doodles that will be described later in the section on training. Some alters have programmer-assigned names related to spinning (e.g., Spinner,) which is a name that was independently assigned to alters in the personality systems of several different patients. 

Training Methods
      Pain Contests, Pain as Power, and Multiples within Multiples. A patient disclosed during a psychotherapy session some time ago that the most powerful alters in her system were those who had endured the most pain. Subsequent exploration of this notion, combined with abreactions of memories of “pain contests” eventually led to the discovery of spin programming.
      Many patients with cult abuse histories have had to endure contests in which they and another person received steadily mounting pain until one of them (the loser) could not stand it anymore. Generally, only one alter was allowed to remain out during the contest, or else worse abuse would follow. The requirement that only one alter remain out had some profound ramifications, leading to the conjecture that this condition (only one alter staying out), not the outcome of the contest, was the primary purpose of the competitions.
      In order to stay out continuously instead of leaving the body to a rapidly switching succession of alters (the more typical pattern of dissociation during trauma), the single alter had to create a group of internal alters to whom she or he could send the pain. The typical result of this type of experience appears to be the creation of an internal analogue of multiple personality disorder, or a “multiple within a multiple.”
      In other words, just as traumatic experiences in general can lead to the creation of a number of alters in one “outside” body to produce multiple personality disorder, this specific type of experience can create a similar phenomenon one level in, consisting of a number of alters “within” the alter undergoing the contest. However, since the alter has no physical body, the newly created alters do not necessarily exist “inside” that alter, but more likely coexist with or near the original alter in internal space--(the “inside world”).
      One source of internal power arising from this arrangement stems from the ability of the original alter to send pain to her or his next level of alters inside the multiple within a multiple subsystem, allowing her or him to intimidate them by threatening to activate a flashback of the original training, thus forcing them to re-experience the pain. The multiple within a multiple subsystem taken as a unit is more powerful than other, simple alters, because, as a system, it possesses or is capable of possessing greater and more varied capabilities than a lone alter might be able to produce.

      Graphic Depiction. Another patient, after looking at a drawing of a tree structure that was my rough attempt to depict the connection between pain transmission and power (Figure la), suggested that the drawing ought to be circular instead of tree shaped (Figure lb). The original alter, according to this new view, was located at the center of a circle of alters, and the ring (or rings) of alters surrounding this alter comprised the “multiple within a multiple” system. Secondary alters could dissociate further by creating alters of their own, resulting in branches of tertiary (and beyond) alters. She indicated further that her entire personality system, not just individual multiple within multiple systems, was arranged in this kind of circular array consisting of concentric rings, with the most powerful alters located at the center.
Figure 1. Tree and Circular Diagrams Depicting Pain Distribution Among Alters During Pain Contests
      This patient then became visibly frightened, stating that some internal alters felt that I may not be a safe person because I knew too much. Subsequent discussions with other patients about this topic and other topics related to spin programming have elicited similar reactions from them; it appears that information about spin programming is highly secret and not for “outsiders” to know.
      However, in spite of her fears, this patient disclosed more information at the next session, revealing that her system contained a number of alters who have been trained to create internal multiple personality systems, and that alters of these systems often received additional training that made them into a coordinated, self-monitoring and self-correcting mechanism designed to employ internal spinning to send pain (and other experiences) to large groups of alters outside their system. Discussions with all of the patients (the two mentioned above, plus the five others) provided the rest of the details comprising this paper.

      Overall Training Strategy. According to patients’ disclosures, spin training begins at an early age, perhaps age three or four, or even younger. Training appears to utilize a combination of three basic elements: (a) the creation of internal multiple personality systems (by pain contests and similar experiences) whose alters are separated and given specialized training to make the internal systems into self-regulating mechanisms; (b) actual spinning both to teach senders the sensations of spinning so that they can re-create it internally and to force them to spin internally in order to avoid the extremely painful sensations of “real” external spinning; and (c) cognitive and imagery training to build and reinforce connections between internal re-creations of the experience of spinning and the sending out of pain as a means of escaping it. Along with this, connections are also established and reinforced between velocity, centrifugal force, and the intensity of the pain and other feelings that are spun. In addition, some programming is necessary to convince the spinning alters that they are not connected to the other alters in the system, so that they do not feel guilty about hurting someone about whom they care Material must be available to “feed” into the spin mechanism, and this material consists of large numbers of dissociated memories that contain pain and other feelings capable of acting as punishments or sources of disruption. Finally, there may be additional programming to create controls over such things as which material is to be spun, when or under what conditions it is to be spun, to which alters or groups it is to be targeted, which groups of alters will be exempt from the spin, etc.
      Actual Spinning. All patients reported having had many experiences of being physically spun by ritual abusers throughout their lives. While being spun, they were invariably drugged, usually with sedative or hypnotic drugs as well as anti-nausea agents, often shown or forced to look at white or colored lights or to listen to music or rhythms, often given verbal instructions, and sometimes given other kinds of pain (in addition to the extreme pain of spinning). The spinning was of various types, including horizontal spinning on a table, similar to a record player; horizontal spinning about an axis, similar to being turned on a spit; vertical, “wheel-of-fortune” type spinning; and vertical spinning about an axis, on a pole, hanging upside down by the feet, or inside of a cylinder.
      Patients who have experienced a great deal of spinning have a number of sensitivities that they usually do not understand until they are consciously aware of having been spun. For example, many patients become very disturbed by flashing lights, because they are similar to the lights they had to watch while belong spun. For similar reasons, they are also often disturbed by watching rapidly changing colors or circular, swirling motions of any kind, as well as by certain types of music.
      Programmers apparently take advantage of these sensitivities by simulating spinning when it would be impractical (due to unavailability of equipment, etc.) to actually spin a victim, or when they want to intimidate a reluctant alter by threatening her or him with spinning as a punishment. Rapidly changing lights moving across the victim’s visual field, for example, can very effectively bring back the full experience of a past actual spin. Exposure to other stimuli that accompanied spinning, such as spoken words or music, can also trigger experiences of spinning.
      Abusers trigger the re-experiencing of traumatic events by taking advantage of their victims’ means of coping with trauma. When a victim experiences a painfully traumatic or terrifying event, including administration of drugs to enhance state-dependent learning, the victim dissociates the experience, breaking it into component parts (as in the BASK Model: Braun, 1988a, 1988b). Abusers apparently record the contents of these dissociated experiences and know which aspects of them to remind victims of in order to bring about a vivid replay of a component or portion of them. By simply introducing such a cue to the victim, the abusers can initiate the experience of spinning.
      Dissociated components of any traumatic memory appear capable of being moved from one alter to another, making it possible to “collect” the pain or affective component of dozens of experiences that contain similar elements (e.g., physical pain, terror, abandonment, grief, etc.), feed these into the spinner, and thereby spread massive amounts of these feelings throughout the personality system or to targeted groups of alters.

      Visual Aids, Demonstrations, and Practice. All patients reported having observed as children (or when spin training was done, if later than childhood) a wide range of demonstrations apparently intended to teach them to think about and perform spinning in ways that are advantageous to the programmers. For example, several patients report having watched mechanical devices, such as centrifuges or devices similar to those sometimes seen at fairs that make pictures by spreading paint with centrifugal force; people, such as “whirling dervish” dancers who are made (presumably by drugs and special effects) to seem as if they are able to spin so fast that they become a blur; and object lessons, such as people who are tortured or killed for failing to spin properly.
      Patients also report having spent a great deal of time as children (again, only those programmed as children) practicing spinning at a conscious level. For example, they may have spun around furiously at play time, but the spinning was done in grim earnestness, not for fun. They may also have been involved in organized activities that involved spinning, such as ballet or figure skating lessons.

Utility of Spin Programming
      Spin programming has some obvious uses to programmers for designing and building personality systems. The power of the spinners or alters who control them, and the threat of pain that they convey, establish them internally as authorities who must be obeyed The networks (apparently of descent) along which spinners send pain and other experiences represent natural divisions within the overall system that programmers may program separately and use for specific purposes, such as spying/informing, enforcing internal discipline, sexual behaviors, ceremonial behaviors, etc. Spin programming can contribute both to unifying a system and to separating groups from one another. There are doubtless many other ways in which spin programming can facilitate system building.
      Harassment and disruption of therapy are easy to achieve with spin programming. For example, only one brief programming session is capable of setting up a spinner to react each time she or he notices the therapist engaging in a predictable behavior by setting in motion a furious spin of the emotions contained in dozens of dissociated traumatic experiences of childhood rejection and abandonment. The patient is then likely to perceive the therapist as behaving in an abandoning and rejecting manner, and as a result the therapy may be dominated by endless sidetracking from other issues in order to deal with the more subjectively pressing issue (to the patient) of the fear and hurt that the patient feels the therapist is causing. And the spinning may continue for days, weeks, or months. Numerous variations of this kind of approach are possible, providing many opportunities for keeping therapy ineffective for years.
Importance of Spin Programming
      Spin programming must be of immense importance, judging from the sheer amount of time and energy that programmers appear to have devoted to creating and maintaining these programs throughout their victims’ lives. Another indication of the central importance of this kind of programming is the wariness shown by many patients when the subject is initially broached. It is obviously “classified material.” These factors, plus the obvious power of spin programming as both a system-building and harassment/disruption technique, indicate that this kind of programming is a fundamental mind control method used on victims of ritual abuse. Therefore, it must be addressed in psychotherapy with victims of ritualistic abuse. In fact, spin programming is apparently so fundamental a technique that our patients may not be unable to heal unless it is addressed in therapy.
Strengths of Spin Programming
      Spin-based programs present a number of strengths from the point of view of programmers. They have been difficult to detect, because therapists have been unaware of globally targeted spin programs as a separate type of programming strategy. The reactions created by spin programs, if not identified as such, are likely to be mislabeled as borderline traits or “transference issues,” providing little or no benefit to the patient. Containment strategies (utilizing hypnosis or visualization) that may work well at stopping or preventing flashbacks of specifically targeted programs are often useless with spin programs, because of both the sheer volume of memories that are activated by a spin program and the force of the spin. Working with the affected alters is difficult because of the lengthy, intensive attitude training against communicating with outsiders that they have received; due to the fact that they are guarded to prevent contact; because they fear that they will experience pain if they do not spin it out, combined with the immediacy of pain relief if they do; and due to the power, or perceived power, of the spin.
      In general, when therapists attempt to deal with a spin program, they are likely to feel as if they are grappling with a complicated, powerful machine. In fact, that is essentially what they are doing. Spin programs “feel” quite different from specifically targeted programs. Many more alters are involved in spin programs, they are much more highly trained and more automatic and smoothly coordinated in their functioning, and the operations of the programs are much better safeguarded against attempts to tamper with or undermine them. As such, they present a formidable challenge to therapists and patients.
Weaknesses of Spin Programming
      In spite of the power and complexity of spin programs, they are nevertheless amenable to therapeutic intervention. With patience, commitment, and compassion, an astute therapist working closely with a creative, motivated patient can gradually make a dent in this kind of programming and eventually overcome it by exploiting its inherent weaknesses.
      The first weakness is the fact that all programmed alters, including spinners, guards, controllers, and all those who are part of the spin mechanism, are personalities who were “cut from the same cloth” as the rest of the system and are therefore capable of both reason and emotion. Alters comprising the spin mechanism can actively observe incoming information and react to it by commencing the spin, making decisions about when to block outside contact or punish those who fail to cooperate with the program; therefore, they can reason. Spinners often take pride in being good at spinning, and they are proficient at spinning painful emotions in order to avoid them; therefore, they are capable of feeling emotion. If a therapist or an internal helper can establish communication with these alters, the way is open for them to correct their present, limited cognitive grasp of their situations and options by learning new facts, and to want to change what they do by becoming aware of their feelings about it. They are also capable of positive emotions, and they are likely to be deprived of and hungry for them. Therefore, they are likely, once contacted, to respond favorably to care and concern.
      The second weakness is the fact that much of the training that makes up spin programming is conditioned as opposed to unconditioned, that is, based on paired associate or cognitive learning. Therefore, cognitive changes such as consciousness of how the conditioning was done can facilitate breaking the connections rapidly. The connections and beliefs that can be broken in this way include the link between external spinning and internal spinning; the link between internal spinning and the sending out of pain and other feelings; the link between velocity of internal spinning, centrifugal force, and the irresistibility of the pain and other feelings being spun out; the illusion that the spinners are separate from the rest of the system; the pride of being good at spinning; and the belief that they have only a limited number of options. The third weakness is the fact that spin programming is built on an accumulation of individual dissociated experiences that can be abreacted, one after the other, until the foundation of the spin mechanism has been completely undermined. Three groups of dissociated memories may be addressed: the original training experiences of the spinners and others involved in spinning; the traumatic experiences from which pain or affective components are collected and fed into the spin mechanism; and the programs instructing the spinners what to spin and under what conditions to begin spinning.
      The fourth, and greatest, weakness of spin programming is also its greatest strength: the complexity of the system of alters and the checks and balances that control them. An astute therapist can eventually gain access to individuals who occupy the different roles, either directly or indirectly, and then educate them about their betrayal by their programmers, about the compassion they could be feeling toward the suffering of other alters in their system (instead of the hate or mistrust they have been taught to feel), about their ultimate unity with the others (instead of the separation that has been forced on them), and about how to join forces to resist.
      This paper has described spin programming, a type of abuse that until recently was unknown to psychotherapists, but has obviously been in use by ritual abusers for many years--at least four decades, and probably much longer. It is possible that most or perhaps all patients with histories of ritual abuse have been subjected to spin programming. Patients who were born into cults that practice ritual abuse (as opposed to having been recruited later in life) are probably more likely to have experienced spin programming, and their spin programming is likely to be both more intensive and more sophisticated.
      Spin programming presents some formidable obstacles for psychotherapy. It is apparent that, in the past, lack of awareness and understanding of spin programming by the therapeutic community has contributed to many problems in therapy, and that complete healing has probably been impossible without facing and dealing effectively with this type of mind control technique.
      It is hoped that this paper will provide a valuable service by making information available to therapists that may contribute to significant breakthroughs for their patients and ultimately allow for their complete healing, while also providing testable hypotheses to researchers interested in ritual abuse.